Cant Make It for the Interview?
All of your hard earned efforts are at stake if you are unable to attend an already scheduled interview. If you cant make it for whatever reason (weather, personal reasons etc). There is no need to panic.
All of your hard earned efforts are at stake if you are unable to attend an already scheduled interview. If you cant make it for whatever reason (weather, personal reasons etc). There is no need to panic.
Early notification of your absence is crucial
Make sure you have the direct phone numbers of the program coordinator stored on your phone or address book. (this tip and more such tips are discussed here) As soon as you think you may be delayed or unable to attend call and request the program secretary to reschedule the interview. You can even send an email requesting to change the interview date
Sample letter for elective rescheduling of an interview
This is a draft of letter which you may use to write to the program coordinator.Sub: rescheduling of residency application interview
Ms. xxxxx xxxxxxx,I wish to inform you that I will not be able to attend my interview dated on yy-yy-yyyy. This is due to extenuating circumstances. I realize that this is a valuable opportunity for me to review the program and for the program to assess how well I fit in. I do not wish to miss this opportunity and would appreciate it very much if you could reschedule my interview on a later date. Please let me know what dates are available for me to chose. Hope to hear from you at the earliest.
John SmithAAMC ID: 1234567

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